A new generation to our color palette is born!
June, 24th, 2023
For more information, please contact us by email at info@swiss-color.com or via phone +43 5332 56671.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Your Swiss Color Team
- Um die Haut nicht zusätzlich zu strapazieren, setzen Sie auf eine sanfte Art der Reinigung mit dem Gentle Cream Cleanser. Er sorgt für porentiefe Klärung, mineralisiert die Haut und gibt ihr einen ersten Frischekick am Morgen.
- Ein anschließendes Auftragen der Pure Vitamin C Essence verbessert die Zellregeneration und schützt die Haut durch die antioxidative Wirkung des hochstabilen Vitamin C Gehalts vor den widrigen äußeren Bedingungen.
- Den perfekten Abschluss für Ihre tägliche Winter-Behandlung bietet die Rich Firming Cream. Durch ihre DMS®-Basis und einen hochwirksamen Aminosäuren-Komplex regt sie die Kollagenbildung an und füllt so die hauteigenen Stoffe in der Membranstruktur wieder auf. Die Haut gewinnt an Spannkraft und fühlt sich glatter und geschmeidiger an. Zu Jahresbeginn wird zudem die Sonne wieder stärker und darf vor allem in höher gelegenen Regionen nicht unterschätzt werden. Der Lichtschutzfaktor der Rich Firming Cream bietet vor ihrer UVA- und UVB-Strahlung ebenfalls optimalen Schutz.
The Swiss Color world expands its color versatility. It expands your options. It expands your creativity and your expressiveness. The brilliance of our existing pigments is complemented by the matte elegance and pastel freshness of our newcomers. Mix them together to create your favorite looks, from powdery nude to bold and expressive.
The need for matte colors is particularly high among artists who devote a lot of their time to areola and skin pigmentation. But also for the creation of powdery looks of lips and eyebrows, PMU stylists have been eagerly waiting for this new generation of Swiss Color pigments! We have developed them with patience and care for your safety and to ensure the highest quality standards.
Drum roll and curtain up for the 10 new members of our color palette:
With the release of our new pigments, we also present the new, optimized color card, which provides an excellent overview of all the important features of each pigment, such as organic, inorganic or blended colors, warmth or coolness of tone, opacity, color perception and indications for which treatments and skin types the pigment is recommended. In addition, our website includes mixing tips for each pigment, which you can use as inspiration for your masterpieces.
Give a warm welcome to our 10 new pigments. Try them. Mix them. Expand your possibilities and expand the character of your artistic creations!
701 Wild Rose is a fresh and elegant lip color with an undertone of cool pink. Pure or as mixing colors, our shades 702 Passion Rose, 703 Arizona Red, 704 Light Umbra, 705 Dark Umbra and 706 Soft Sienna are equally perfect for lip- as for areola-pigmentation. Our three new skin-tones, 707 Light Beige, 708 Medium Beige and 709 Dark Beige are ideal for corrections, scars and camouflage. For eyebrow- and scalp-pigmentation we have developed the harmonious and natural shade 710 Tender Brown.
These ten pigments have been designed both for pure application and for perfect intermixability with each other and with our existing color range.